Sundial Terminal


Exhibition : Medzicentrum V
2014.08.01 - 08.10 Topoľčany, Slovakia

Supported by : Nástupište 1-12

Summer in a Slovakian city Topoľčany, sunshine is projecting strong shadow of massive size 1950's concrete constructions.

The city has been redesigned under communism regime. Most of historical parts of the town is removed, and similar as other Slovakian cities, artificial and uniform urban plan has been installed.

The central bus terminal that is equipped three lines of platforms is also giving some smell of the era. Empty feeling of spacious concrete building was like a shadow of the town's history.

In the Medzicentrum V, I have decided to install some kind of nature essence to this artificial atmosphere.

Each 30min from 9:00 in the morning until 5:30 in the evening, I was tracing shadow's line on the ground. You can see the shadow's position of 9:00 at platform 1 and 5:30 at plat form 36.

The white lines painted on the floor is pretending as public signs, like a waiting line. However, it functions as a public clock, while indicating the time by sunshine.


>> Interview @ Medzicentrum (from 08:20)